hat is Node js?
- Open Source, cross -platfrom, Javascript runtime and librray for running applications outside client’s server.
It is used for creating server-side applications
Node.js is perfact for data intensive applications as it uses an a synchronous , event -driven application.
Node.js basesd on V* engine, It is virtual machine that utilizes, Javascript as its scripting language achives and high output non-blocking I?o and single threaded event loop.
Where Can We use Node js?
Web Applications
Distributed Systems
Network Applications
The Term I?o is used to describe any program, operation or device that transferes data or from a medium and to or another form.
Frontend vs Backend
(1) Frontend refers to the client side of an application and backened refers to the server side of an application
(2) It is the part of web application that users can see and interact with whikle Backend constitutues that happenes behind teh scenes.
(3) It is typically includes evrything that attributes to the visual aspect of a web application, It geenrally includes a web server that commincates with database server requests.
(4) HTML, CSS, jAVASCRIPT, Anugular Js and React Js are some kind of the essentials of the frontend development. Java, PHP, Python and Node.js are some of the backend development Technologies.
What is NPM?
Node package Manager provides two main functions.
It provides online repositories for node.js packages which are searchable on serach nodejs.org
It also provides command line utility tool to install Node.js packages, does version management and dependency of Node.js packages.
Modules are like Javascript libraries that can be used in a Node.js application to include a set of functions.
To include a module in a node.js application, use require() function with the parenthesis containing the name of the module.
Read Full Article at : https://delightbooks.com/best-interview-questions-for-backend-development/