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(1) What are Keywords in Python:
- Python keywords are special reversed Words
- Convey a special meaning to the compiler/ Interpreter.
- Each keyword has a special meaning and a specific operation.
- NEVER use it as a variable.
(2) What are Literals in Python?
Literals are the constants used in Python.
Sl.NoValue1String Literals2Numeric Literals3Boolean Literals4Special Literals
(3) What are Numerical Literals:
WIntLongFloatComplex+ve and -veUnlimited IntegerReal numberIn the form ofNumbers(Integers With
No Fraction apart
Size followed by
upper or lowercase L.
Ex:2342435428With both integer and fractional part
Ex-2133a+bj,”a” forms the real part & b forms the imaginary part.
(4) What are Boolean Literals:
Can only have two values :
- True
- False
(5) What is Special Literal:
python has one special literal: None
Used to specify the field that has not been created.
(6) What is a Dictionary in Python? Also, create a dictionary where the key is “Trust_name: and there are 4 fruit names associated with it.
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